ステーシー(リタイヤリー・イタリヤ)/Stacey (Retiree・Italy)

JCに来たきっかけ / What was the reason you came to JC?


When we moved to Japan for several months we were concerned that, as on shorter trips to Japan, we would become spiritually dry. 


BUT GOD had another plan. We found Calvary Chapel Kokubunji, Jesus Community, through the leading of God. We had a few recommendations for churches from a place we had previously attended, but the night before we were going to go, we couldn’t find the list so we went online to look for the churches. To our surprise we found there was a Calvary Chapel nearby. It turned out to be ideal for us, as we had attended Calvary Chapels in the U.S. for decades.


JCの何がよかったのか / What has been good about JC?


For the last 8 months we have been blessed by God with good teaching on God’s love and leading, and on the Holy Spirit, together with other enthusiastic born again believers. As is always the case, God gave us a bonding with other church members and we felt right at home. 


I also attended the Women’s Bible Study, a group of solid believers who shared openly about what God was doing in their lives. There all of us learned more about the practicalities of life with Jesus Christ. 


Instead of becoming spiritually dry we continued to be spiritually energized. God’s blessings abound.  


As we move from place to place we hope to always leave the choice of churches up to God. 


JCの推薦できるところ / What's something that you can recommend about JC?


For any believer of Jesus, or who has an interest or even wonders if God might be real, we would recommend this church. 
